

Four years ago I set out to pursue my dreams and fulfill a purpose God assigned for me to do. At the time I was 23 years old. I had no wife, no kids, no obligations of any kind, and so I was in a great position to take great risks. Although failure wasn’t an option, I knew that I could make any amount of mistakes I needed to make and if there were any negative consequences involved they would ONLY hinder me and not put the livelihood of a wife and kids at stake. If I didn’t eat I could handle that, but if I had a family decisions would have to be thought over a thousand times before I acted upon them. I also had a cushion. My dad told me “If you fail, you can come back home and start over again.” I decided to set sail, left that port, and burned the ship as soon as I reached my destination. There was no going back for me. I said to myself, “Let’s see what we can do B!”

My purpose in life has been to serve, period. I was never good at math (hated it), science (had no interest), history (too busy making it to be concerned with old stuff lol), and english (probably my strongest, but still not my best.) But there was always one thing I was great at; something that I knew I could NEVER fail at, and that was serving and helping other people. It’s not scientific, you don’t need a degree to do it, and it makes you feel good on the inside! If I could do nothing else well I could make people smile. My character, my humility, my confidence, it has been enough to encourage the next person to keep going. I learned this word betterment through this entire process and it has stuck with me for 4 years now.

My mission has been to do better, for better. That’s it! I want to grow people’s thinking, so their behaviors will change, so they can lead their lives better, then lead their families better, which will improve socialization of families, then neighborhoods, then communities, then society, and then the World. Sounds like a pretty good plan, huh? :0) Well think again! Taking on that task for the #betterment of life, is a burden of mine to keep. But when you’re chosen, you should be obedient.

Lately God has been calling me out on this #betterment thing. He has challenged every promise I’ve made and every portion of the mission to do better, for better. I recall driving down the road listening to a gospel song by Marvin Winans called “Draw Me Close/They Will be Done.” In the song he says  “I’ve seen you work in others, now I want you to work in me.” He is basically telling God that he will do whatever He tells him to do. As I’m listening to this song I pull up to a stop light and look to my left and there’s a homeless man holding a sign. God says to me “Here’s your chance!” So I pull out some money and give it to him.

That was only one incident but there has been so many between that time and now. I have to admit though, I haven’t always answered the call. There were times I was skeptical of the need – as if it were my job to determine what was best for that person. After having not acted I began feeling convicted on the inside and I questioned, am I really living up to my mission.  Have you ever felt challenged by God to do what it is you’ve prayed for? Or told Him you were going to do for Him? It’s tough.

Just the other day I was challenged once again. I went to the store with my girlfriend to get some food for dinner. I was only planning to go to the store ONCE that day because I needed to relax. Lo and behold I forgot the main ingredient…the hamburger meat. Needless to say I went BACK to Target to get the meat and as I was pulling into the parking lot a lady ran out and was waving at me for her help; almost at the expense of my front bumper! I pulled over to the side of the parking lot and let down my window. The lady comes a little closer to the car and begins to ask me for $2.50 so she could get on the bus. She needed to get somewhere and didn’t have any money. Now rewind back, I just started my own business called The Betterment Company and I printed service shirts that read “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” That quote immediately popped into my head during that moment. So I reached into my arm rest and pulled out the change she asked me for and gave it to her. Buses come every 15 minutes so I ran into the store, got the meat, and came right on out. There she was getting on the bus headed to her destination.

Now, I don’t know where that woman was headed but she obviously needed to get there. I don’t know what that homeless man did with the few dollars that I gave him, but he obviously needed it. But even more importantly was I needed to be obedient to the voice that was moving me to act. I’ve learned through many experiences in the last four years that God will challenge you to act just to see if you’re really about what you say you’re about. He is going to test you to see if you really want to do what it is you say you want to do. It may not be major or significant but one small act of kindness, I believe, goes  a long way with God. I don’t do what I do to receive anything in return, and I don’t know why he chose those couple of people, but I do know this…if it keeps me in favor with Him, I’m going to answer the call every time!

Like God, I challenge you to do more and be more for the #betterment of life today. Go out and help someone who will never be able to repay you. Pay attention to opportunities to help someone. Make a phone call to a loved one or send them a text. Share your blessings with other people. Buy someone a card and tell them how much you appreciate them. It’ll go a long way!



Millennial’s Secret Weapon: Mom and Dad

Secret Weapon

I remember our conversation like it was yesterday. “Daddy! So HR just called me and said they want to offer me a new job. A promotion! They want to move me into a new vacant position.” I said.

“That’s great son! Is it a step up or is it a step to the right?” Daddy questioned.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll find out in an hour or so.” I returned.

“Okay. Let me know what they say.”

I called my dad back immediately following the meeting.

“Daddy, they trippin’. They want to give me $3000 more than what I made last year for 100 times more work. After bonuses, I made that much last year. I’ve been here four years and that’s like a slap in the face!” I exclaimed.

Then my dad said, “Oh, No! That’s crazy! You’re not coming right out of college. You’ve put in four years there (he reminded me!) Don’t let them give you ‘wooden nickels’!”

I still laugh to this day. That was a little over a year ago. Needless to say, due to my dad’s coaching I was able to negotiate a salary of $12,000 more than what I was making prior to the promotion. And accepted the job. Aren’t parents just lovely!? 🙂

Now, depending which side of the spectrum you’re on, that might appear to be an issue. Some would say my parents need to step aside and let me learn. Some would argue that’s great to have in your life. Others might add, “that’s what’s wrong with this generation.” But I would say, “THANK YOU JESUS!”

No, but seriously.

This is a common issue that employers face with us Millennials, but it doesn’t have to be. Let me help both parties out.

Millennials have grown up to be very close to our parents, who are mostly Boomers (like our supervisors, anyhow.) Because of this, we actually honor and respect our supervisors more than others. We long for mentorship. We desire to know where we stand. We want to do well and not make mistakes; that’s why we call on our parents for everything. We need their expertise on health benefits and how much money we should make; they have been there, done that. They know what the workplace is like. For us to seek their council is the wise thing to do.

BUT…Millennials, we have to cut the wireless umbilical cord sometimes. We can’t always allow them to fight our battles. We can’t let them call our college professors and coaches, or supervisors wanting to know why we didn’t get to start the game or why our paper has so much red ink “bleeding” all over it. We need to take some accountability for ourselves. We can’t look at our supervisors like we do our parents. We need to appear results-driven, respectable, and professional and not position ourselves as “the kid”…that won’t help us!

There are ways we can create intergenerational synergy between all generations – especially in the workplace. In my next blog I’ll dive in a little deeper, on how to do that. I will also talk a bit about the roles our parents have played, and will continue to play, in all areas of our lives…including “The Boss’.” I hope this helps for now.



…For the Betterment of Life!


Today is a day I never really imagined I’d have the courage to act on. Today is also a day I never imagined I’d see. Today, I’ve turned a page in my life. On this day, I’ve began writing a new chapter in my book. On this day, I stop, drop everything I was most comfortable doing, step out of my comfort zone, and I walk into my destiny. Today, I resigned from my career in professional baseball and the Houston Astros Baseball Club and moved into my calling.

It’s a funny thing believing that what I was doing for so long was what, I believed, was serving for God. As a young boy I only wanted to play Major League Baseball and become a role model that would change the world. Well…the “changing the world” piece was always accurate. I began working in professional baseball nearly 5 years ago in the department of community relations. There is where I felt I would have the greatest access to the people I wanted to help, but not only that, having platforms like MiLB and MLB would give me the influence and resources I needed to make that change I wanted to see in the world. For the majority of this time my career path and choice made perfect sense and served me well. But my calling has chosen me; it haunts me, and I’ve had a very difficult time ignoring it. Now I’m being obedient to the small still voice of God that’s has been whispering to me all of this time. It was Joseph Campbell that said, “we must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Although that’s a tough thing to do, it’s very much necessary.


The year 2014 has been a very successful, yet stressful year for me. So many transitions took place and there were so many tough decisions I had to make in order to keep myself in God’s will for my life. All of my decisions were made on purpose. I left a church board where I felt I was serving God, but wasn’t, and I eventually resigned my membership…after Easter! I moved from my comfortable living arrangement and crowded someone else’s space to help each of us financially. I was promoted on the job and left my comfort zone, just to resign from there 7 months later. They were all very tough decisions to make, but I made the transitions anyway.


After praying and fasting and sitting still with God, He reassured me that my heart was always in the right place. I received clarity, wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and understanding from Him that I had never experienced before. I began to see life like it was the Matrix lol. I saw what it was I needed to do, regardless of what I wanted to do. I needed to be serving the way my heart desired to serve; the way I was being led by the Spirit to serve. I needed to help people using the gifts and talents and favor God had bestowed on me. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. So here I am, taking the leap of faith.

Speaking of faith, God confirmed my decisions with a sermon called “ALL IN – Some things are worth risking everything.” Pastor Herbert Cooper of Peoples Church, Oklahoma City preached on Matthew 4: 19-22 when Jesus spoke to Andrew and Peter while they were fishing and said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” He walked further and saw James and John and told them the same – and immediately they followed Him. All roads lead back to God for me. All signs point to Him. All my decisions and transitions, successes and stresses, failures and triumphs were experienced in the act of service to Him. I’ve been giving the green light. I’ve been guided down this path. Now, I’m following the instructions I’ve been given by God.


But I’m up against challenges and forces unforeseen and I’ve counted the cost. Immediately after deciding to follow Him, I was met with opposition, but I was reminded again by the Word. He said to me, “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’” (Mark 11:23) Was I scared and terrified, of course, but I’ve exercised my faith and made it stronger. God said, “be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. (1 Cor. 16:13). The Bible also reassures me that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Some of you may be having the same internal battle with God and are afraid to give up the security of a paycheck or the comfortability for your purpose or your dreams. Some of you may feel you’re tied down to some obligation or to a massive amount of inhibitions. Some of you have wanted to jump but you’re afraid you don’t know “how” to fly. It’s okay. Suspend the requirement of knowing how. Go forward and walk by faith, not by sight. Jump and grow your wings on the way down. Do it afraid and learn as you go. Get in tune with God and let Him steer you as He’s done for me. If I can do it, you can do it.

The words of Winston Churchill says,

There comes a special moment in every man’s life, a moment for which he was born. That special opportunity when he seizes it, will fulfill his mission – a mission for which he is uniquely qualified. In that moment he finds greatness. It is his finest hour.


Be encouraged. Be blessed! Betterment.


GENESIS (Desherria)


Adeptly innate, from Him,
For he.
For she,
Has been imperative,
In the development
Of me.

It wasn’t inherited,
Only learned;
Only associated with,
Only earned.
It’s all mine,

It was worked hard for.
Never been so sure.
It never felt so pure.
A generational disease
Found it’s cure.

It has been given to us,
As ours;
A preordained
That complements our

Blessed by the Universe
And its entirety.
A singular,
Now plural;
An “I”,
Is now a “We.”

Attached at the hip.
Spiritually equipped.
Genetically profound.
Biologicaly endowed.
Gracefully allowed,
To Love.

A new discovery!
For the “endangered”
A new breed,
A new species.

A believer’s heart;
From crawling,
To walking,
A revolutionary start.

A Natural Selection,
God predestined;
To be,
Or not to be,
A counterpart.
A partnership.
He saw that it was good.

To consummation,
Declaration of His plan.
She became my Genesis,
My evolution,
…on that day,
God created man!



It is neither…

Either, or
Neither, nor.
No. I’m sorry,
There’s no grey.

It is not what you love,
It is not what you want,
It’s “not what I do,
But as I say.”

It is a business.
It is an investment.
Not about you,
But about me.

Who cares what you know.
Who cares what you feel.
We don’t care about your dream;
Who you can truly be.

Silence passion.
Diminish desire,
Deprive purpose
For all your reasons, doubt.

You’re a slave,
We’re the master,
Two choices for you,
And they are, in or out!


For #betterment, or worse… (Autobiographical)




In July 2010, I took a risk in pursuing a vision and dream that God gave me and to fulfill a purpose and a task for which I knew I was created to complete.  I had a deep burning desire in my heart to make a difference in the world, and I knew early on in life that in order for me to reach my maximum potential and to do what I was called to do, I was going to have to leave my hometown of Spencer, Oklahoma. I had go to a place that was BIG enough for my dream to manifest itself. I wanted to change the world! I wanted to make a difference in the lives of every individual I would eventually come in contact with. God called me to do something Great and that required 100% obedience to Him.

I was very young and naïve at the time, but confident none-the-less. I had no fear. I had no kids and no wife, so that meant I could travel into unknown territory and see what it was I could accomplish. I thought to myself, “At least, should I fail, I would be the one to suffer.” I could go without eating; I could go without money; I could go without a place to stay; but with other obligations like a wife and kids, I would be depriving them of those things, and so the time was as good as any to put my dream to the test.

Needless to say I came and made something of myself: I landed a job in professional baseball (my greatest passion to the date) with the Houston Astros and began my service working for the Urban Youth Academy. As a child, baseball was all I knew and my reason for always wanting to become a Big Leaguer was so I could gain influence with the entire world. Athletes have a power that mostly no one on earth has and I knew if people gravitated to my “stardom” I could change the world through that platform. But that didn’t happen. As a college baseball player I met disappointment head on when I didn’t get drafted. I switched my degree to Sport Management and did my best to remain a part of the game…and here I am!

But there has always been something else growing inside of me; a dream that breached the egg of possibility in early childhood. As a young boy I watched as my father, Bruce Denton, consistently served the world he lived in. He was a service technician with SEARS. Every day he would go to work and serve the customers of his company and come home to serve his family. This man can fix anything! Craftsman was the brand of his tools, but to me that was his middle name. During the summers I would go to work with him carrying a tool bag that weighed more than me and delivering 2 ton air conditioning units from his miniature Nissan pickup truck to the backyards of Oklahoma City. I had on the job training with my father and it was there that my lessons in manhood, customer service, leadership, and respect for all of mankind were learned. I owe everything I’m about to announce to you to that man and it is because of his rite of passage that I can do what I do, and I am what I am today!


I remember writing a scripture on the edge of my bedframe that said, “To those who are given much, much will be expected. Luke 12:48” It was the motto for my life beginning on that day. You see, as a child my father was poor; and I say my father was poor because he made sure I always had everything I needed. I didn’t have a worry in the world about what I would eat, where I would sleep, how I would get around, if the lights would be on from month-to-month, or if I wasn’t going to play baseball that year. My dad had it covered. God gave me peace of mind from day one and that’s something most kids I knew growing up didn’t have the chance to experience. With that peace of mind came the opportunity to DREAM BIG, so I capitalized on it. Now I have the responsibility of making sure all kids, all adults, and people of all colors, genders, and beliefs have the chance to do the same! Luke 12:48 also ends by saying, “To those who are trusted with much, much will be asked.” I have been given much!


God has asked me to do more, and be more, for the betterment of life. And so now, as of July 2014, four years later, I created a business named The Betterment Company, Inc. You can already guess what the objective of the company is; it’s simply to “Do better. For better.” My primary objective is to use professional coaching, personal development, leadership training, mentoring, and public speaking as a vehicle to inspire and transform individuals, families, communities, businesses and organizations all over the world. In February 2014 I became a certified coach, trainer, and speaker with the John Maxwell Team and added an amount of value to myself that would put me in a position to add value to so many other people. Like in 2010 when I first journeyed to Houston, NOW is as good a time as any to begin fulfilling the purpose that God created me to fulfill – for His glory! Now, I want to share that journey with you.


By clicking on the link below, you will be directed to the website of The Betterment Company, Inc. and begin your journey to success, WITH ME! I know that God has called you to do something great as well. There’s a reason why you wake up every day. There’s a purpose to every breath you take. There’s a calling on your life just as it is a calling on mine. Lets work for His glory. Dr. John Maxwell says, “Success is…knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.” Let’s go make the world a #better place. Let me lead you. Let’s grow to do more and be more for the #betterment of life.

Visit www.bettermentco.com and then send me an e-mail and let me know what you think!

Hope to hear from you soon!


*it’s easy to follow my blog by clicking on the link in the left column of the page!

What’s the worst…?



I was advised a long time ago, “Never share your vision too soon.” What an important lesson to learn for me. I am a person that dreams BIGGER than life itself and throughout my journey through growth and success, I’ve come across a LOT of “dream killers” in my day.

Have you ever been around people that just shoot down every balloon you let loose into the sky? They are the “devil’s advocate” on EVERYTHING under the sun. Have you ever attempted to tell people your dream and then find yourself frustrated as hell after the conversation ends because they don’t see what you see, or feel what you feel? They try to “warn” you against everything that could potentially go wrong; Murphy’s Law sometimes becomes Mama’s Law, or Daddy’s Law, or Coach’s Law, or Friend’s Law. Does it seem as though when it comes to your dreams and goals that everyone else seems to know what’s best for you? Does it seem as though they have mapped out a plan “you should follow” because it’s the path they chose for themselves or saw someone else do it? Or, maybe they’re warning you against doing something because they or someone they know failed at it and they think you’re going to do the same thing? They’re like a squealing monkey.

Long ago researchers did a study on monkeys. They placed four monkeys in a room with a pole positioned in the center of the room with a bunch of bananas hanging from it. When one monkey would scurry up the pole to get the bananas the researchers would absolutely drown them with a water hose, discouraging them from getting the fruit. Following the first monkey, all the other three made the same attempt, and ended with the same fate.

Then the researchers would pull one monkey out at a time and replace him with another. When the new monkey would enter the room and attempt to get the bananas something strange occurred…they didn’t have to drench him with water. This time the other monkeys ran up the pole and pulled him down. The researchers then began replacing all the monkeys that have been drenched with new monkeys, and the former monkey that had been pulled down by the others began a pandemic – all new monkeys that had a bad experience was now pulling down every new monkey that tried to get the bunch of bananas. They had a bad experience (the water hose) and were now preventing newbies from even attempting their dream. They were pulling each other down (because another monkey pulled them down) and didn’t even know why [they were ever pulled down in the first place]. What a shame!

This is what you call a “dream killer.” They can be anybody; especially those close to you.  I practice not telling those people my vision at all because I know, from past dreams killed, they won’t support this one either – so why bother? You’re always going to be misunderstood by people who never dared to pursue a dream of their own. You’re going to always be discouraged by people who don’t understand your passion and the purpose God has for your life. You’re always going to be let down by the people you hoped would be there for you the most and keep your best interest at heart. But that’s okay. The Bible says, “Commit your works to The Lord and He will bless your plans.(Proverbs 16:3)” You’re in good hands. Jesus was misunderstood too. To be great is to be misunderstood.

KEEP dreaming big even when your haters doubt you. KEEP dreaming big even when the environment you’re in is too small for your dream. KEEP in the pursuit of your purpose in life because only you and God knows what’s best for you, and only He knows where you’re going to end up. KEEP the faith. Stay the course. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen should you choose to make the decision or pursue the dream you’re pondering? But then again…what’s the BEST that could happen!? 🙂 




Have you considered what it would be like to have your dream job? Can you imagine getting paid to do your passion? Sounds like a cool gig. But unfortunately, 86% of people feel stuck in their day jobs? Not too bad, until you consider the cost. My friend Kary Oberbrunner did a ton of research on this subject. He helped me understand 3 reasons why going from your Day Job to your Dream Job might be the smartest move you make all year:


I thought it was an overstatement until I looked at the facts:

  • STRESS = 70% of American workers experience stress-related illnesses.
  •  BURN-OUT = 34% think they will burn out on the job in the next two years.
  • HEART ATTACKS = The LA Times reports there is a 33% increase in heart attacks on Monday mornings.
  • INJURY = Entrepreneur magazine adds there is a 25% increase in work-related injuries on Mondays.
  • DEATH = According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people die at 9 AM Monday than at any other time.
  • SUICIDE = Male suicides are highest on Sunday nights with men realizing their careers are not where they want them.

(Some research from 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.)


Your parents and grandparents may have stayed in one job or one industry their entire lives.

Today the world looks very different. “The average worker will change her career seven times, hold eleven jobs before the age of forty-four, remain in her current place of employment for less than five years, and probably move into a freelance/independent contractor role.” Do you want to do change your day job and career every few years? Creating your dream job and controlling your future seems to make much more sense. 


Kary shows that today you have:

  • MORE ACCESS = If you know the right rules and abide by them, no one is beyond your reach.
  • MORE RESOURCES = If you know where to go, the world is at your fingertips.
  • MORE CONNECTION = If you can get online, you can run your businesses.
  • MORE INCENTIVE = If you don’t have to stay, why would you?
  • MORE INSTRUCTION = If you apply Day Job to Dream Job, you can implement your

Kary wrote the book on going from Day Job to Dream Job. He reveals 9 proven steps (The Dream Jobber Plan) that helped him jailbreak his day job. He now uses this model to help his Dream Job Bootcamp students escape their day jobs. No hype here. He gives you a clear map to move from PRISON to PLAN to PAYOFF. 

This payoff is much more than a paycheck. In your Dream Job you can experience:

  • FREEDOM—to go as you please
  • FINANCES—to earn as you wish
  • FULFILLMENT—to live as you like

Kary has provided his new book to my readers at a ridiculous price, over 50% off retail. For just $6.99 plus shipping and handling you can get it for a limited time (Day Job to Dream Job). 

Kary even includes 3 bonuses valued at $119. His videos and 200 page interactive guidebook help you customize your own escape plan. Click on the picture below to find out how you can go from Day Job to Dream Job.

…over the rainbow


Sometimes I get a little bit emotional thinking about the future; don’t you? I’ll go even further to say I get mad! 🙂 Sometimes I’ll be sitting at my desk, in my cubicle, thinking of where I’ll be in the next 35 years. I envision the picture others have painted for my life: the retired after working dozens of years for the same company; the educated – with Masters and Doctors degrees – and indebted; the person waiting to “cash out” like I’m playing the lotto; married, two kids, a dog, house, car, and the traditional date and game night. Then I snap out of it and think, “How depressing!?”

I immediately think of the song Dorothy sang from The Wizard of Oz; she said, “Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high. There is a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby.” I thought to myself “this must be the lullaby she was singing about!” From what I know and understand, lullabies have always been sung to put people to SLEEP! And this terribly whimsical song the world is singing to me is doing just that.

How dare I sit here and conform to the death sentence that has been implanted in me by previous generations, when God implants visions into my mind on a daily basis? How dare I sit and rot when I have visions and ideas needing, waiting, to be expressed? How dare I sit and lay my gifts and abilities to rest, and allow the potential I have to be great slowly shrink and whither away because of the limitations others have placed on me. Why would I not utilize the genetics I’ve inherited from the almighty God to make this world a better place and live a life of significance? I won’t sit still!

So while Dorothy is “wishing upon a star” I’ll be preparing myself to move into my destiny and i believe you need to start getting ready as well! Because what’s GOOD for you NOW, may not be the BEST for you FOREVER. Where you ARE isn’t always where you’re GOING to be. What you HAVE now, or what you DO now, may be good for who you WERE, but it’s not the best for who you ARE and who you will BECOME! There’s more in you! There’s something inside of you that should be shared with the WORLD! There’s something inside of you that needs to be given to someone who needs your help! There’s an idea incubating within your mind that you need to birth!

Having and doing those things mentioned in the first paragraph are fine and dandy, if that’s what you’re striving for but, why wait until you’re of an age where you’re barely even healthy or fit enough to get the most out of your life? Why wait to enjoy what you’re supposed to be working hard to store up when you can’t take it with you when you’re dead anyhow? Why wait to see if there’s really a “pot of gold” waiting at the end of the rainbow? These are mighty big risks to take in the opposite direction of greatness. If you’re going to take risks, have them be in the direction of your purpose and dreams. Don’t sit around singing, “somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly, birds fly over the rainbow, why, oh why can’t I?” YOU CAN!!!

“..way above the chimney tops, is where you’ll find me.” -Dorothy Gale/Brandon Denton



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…Up to Your Potential?


I can remember the words that were spoken to me like they were said on yesterday; “You aren’t working up to your potential!” OUCH! The shock it caused me was unexpected. Demoralizing! The disappointment that lingered inside of me was daunting. But the cord that was struck reignited a fire inside of me that will never burn out again. He continued, “And I’ll be honest with you,” he said, “I’m one to have conversations like this before things fester. And I pray that you take this the right way, and get better moving forward.” And so, that’s exactly what I did.

That was on Easter Sunday, April 13, 2014! Like Jesus, I too rose again that day and immediately began pursuit of proving the World wrong. This was nothing new to me, but it was necessary for my own good. It was imperative that I was critiqued in that way that I was and I’m thankful that it was said by someone I cared a lot about. I was beginning to get out of alignment with God’s will for my life. All my life I’ve been this underdog; I have always been the “David” versus “Goliath.” But little has the opposition known, I’ve conquered lions and bears prior to this giant.

I’ve been prejudged by the generic stereotypes of African American’s. I’ve been looked down upon because I am young. I’ve been called crazy because of my brave heart and the risks that I take to pursue my dreams. I’ve been criticized for who I love. I’ve been picked last because of my height. I’ve been overlooked because of my lack of experience. I’ve been talked about because I wasn’t the best looking. And I’ve been denied opportunities JUST because. But I STILL Keep going!

Ever since that Easter day, when I released the things that were holding me back, I’ve lived in my purpose everyday. I’ve been blessed to be able live and give freely and make a difference in the lives of people around the City, the Nation, and the globe. I’ve began serving communities through personal and leadership development and working to help others pursue a life of growth and learning. It’s fulfilling and promising. The rewards are gratifying and I truly believe God favors me!

I’ve heard it said that “Success is: knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your full potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.” I also believe in that statement and have made it my mission for life. But I also believe, that on that Easter day it was actually God speaking to me through this man. Just imagine God speaking to you saying, “You aren’t working up to your potential! And I’ll be honest with you, I’m one to have conversations like this before things fester. And I pray that you take this the right way, and get better moving forward.”

What do you think He is saying to you? Who are you listening to? Are you working up to your potential? Who are you serving? Who are you blessing? Who are you helping? How is He getting the glory for the works you are doing in your life?